This practice helps to raise the energy from the lower to the higher, moving from the first chakra upwards. It helps to activate and move the kundalini energy that lies at the base of the spine. This energy is said to be dormant and inactive leading to imbalance in the body and mind. |
• In Easy Pose, stretch your arms up above your ears with the palms facing each other stretching to the sky. The fingers are side by side but the thumbs are separate. Keep your arms and palms stiff as steel, reaching high the entire time. • Begin to move the arms back and forth like you are fanning your head, 15-20cm out, and then back in. Your eyes are closed and rolled upward. Move powerfully for at least three minutes, working up to seven minutes. This exercise energises by building your electromagnetic field, and improves the balance in the hemispheres of your brain so that your whole body can adjust itself: Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
• Sit quietly in Easy Pose. • Extend your arms out to your sides like great wings, palms flat and facing the floor. • Begin flapping just your wrists and hands rapidly, as though you were flying furiously through the air. Your arms will move slightly from the shoulders, but the action is in the wrists. • Breathe in long, deep inhales and exhales and continue for three minutes. As yoginis we learn to create a neutral mind. Every negative thought is met with a positive thought. Standing by a fireplace you might think, “The flames could burn me,” then in the next breath, “Look at how beautiful the fire is and the warmth it offers.” While labouring a voice might say, “I can’t do this, it’s too hard,” then you must follow with, “Yes, I can. Yes, I am stronger than I have ever been in my whole life.” That is the see-saw of the positive and negative mind. It is the nature of the mind to have a thousand thoughts pass by in the blink of an eye. Our minds, like tuning a radio, pick up the strongest frequencies of where we are at the time. Meditation takes us back to the neutral mind, the balance point on that see-saw, which is the mind we will birth from, and the mind we must operate from as mothers. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
This opens your heart centre, improves circulation, and purifies the blood that makes milk. As you practice this pose feel confident that you have all you need to produce complete nourishment for your child. Plan on being rather dreamy for the first year of your child’s life, if only because the energy to produce milk is so internal and miraculous. Live life slowly and as simply as possible for your new family, giving your child the security they need. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
BUTTERFLY - 1-3min
CAT COW - 1-3min
• In a standing position, open your legs as wide as you can while still maintaining a secure sense of balance. • Form a 90-degree bend with your elbows, forearms more or less parallel to the floor and extending away from your chest in a relaxed position. • Now rotate your hips in a plane parallel to the ground at a moderate pace in as large a circle as possible. Move from your hips, not your knees. Keep your knees as straight as possible. • Work up to three minutes to the left and three minutes to the right. This exercise opens your hip area and helps give you the will to fight and not give in. It is believed by yogis that this kriya helps you to never feel victimised but to experience your own will and strength. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
• Put your feet parallel to each other, hip-width apart, hands in a prayer position in the centre of your chest, and your eyes slightly closed but opened enough for good balance. • If your heels come off the floor when you come down, double up a blanket and place it beneath your heels. • At the bottom of the squat, make sure you tip forward, placing your hands on the floor and pushing your buttocks up, then slowly rolling your body up, raising your head last. • Sweep your arms up over your head, pressing the palms together in a prayer and lowering your hands to your heart. • Begin again, taking your buttocks each time as low to the earth as they will comfortably go while your entire feet remain on the floor. • Always use your hands to push up; don’t just come up with your legs because that puts too much pressure on your uterus. • Inhale “Sat” as you raise your arms up above your head, and exhale “Nam” as you bring your hands to the floor. Squat fifteen times. Make sure you do them correctly by squatting with the entire foot on the floor. Yoga is how we build our stamina for labor. Go through the discomfort to the other side. Become sensitive inside yourself to know the difference between stretching & strengthening, and straining. Then keep going. Don’t run from it, breathe into it. Then when you get to your labour you don’t have to run away because you don’t know what to do. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
• In Easy Pose, stretch your arms out to your sides with your palms down, parallel to the ground, and elbows straight. • On each hand touch your thumb to the mound of your pinkie and then close your fist around your thumb. Keep your elbows straight as you revolve your arms and your fists in backward circles about a foot and a half in diameter. • Breathe like a cobra with a hissing breath through your nose. Do this for three minutes. Yogis use the following meditation to stimulate every organ in the body to greater health. This breath and arm rotation will energize and stimulate every organ in your body, including your brain: Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
• come into Rock Pose and close your eyes. • Move your arms as if you are swimming freestyle, extending one, then the other, in constant motion in big circles, elbows pulling the arms above your shoulders. • Do this for eleven and a half minutes. You may want to begin at five minutes and work up. Put on music with a good rhythm if you like. Yes, it is hard work, but it is worth every stroke. Keep up! As you swim imagine yourself in a vast ocean as night is falling and a storm is coming. You can’t see the shore, so you use your intuition to determine which way to reach the shore. Project yourself in that direction, and swim vigorously so that the motion will naturally put your breath into rhythm. • Then, come into Child's Pose, putting your forehead to the floor and come onto your knees with your buttocks resting on your heels, relaxing your spine. You have made it safely to shore! Feel gratitude in every cell. Stay here for up to seven minutes. • Inhale deeply and move your spine to loosen it up. Gradually rise and relax. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
• Sit in Easy Pose and raise your right arm up to sixty degrees in front of you. • Bring your left arm behind you in a sixty-degree angle pointed downward. The two arms should form a straight, sixty-degree line front and back. Keep your elbows straight and the index finder of each hand extended, with the thumb locking down the other fingers. • Close your eyes and focus downward as if you are looking through the centre of your chin. Breathe slowly and deeply. Do this for three minutes. • Then, maintaining the same arm position, extend your pinkie finger on both hands with the index fingers. Eyes remain focused at the chin; do this for another three minutes. • Finally, extend all your fingers and tighten the muscles of your body while you stretch out the arms towards Infinity for another three minutes. Inhale as deeply as you can, then exhale slowly and evenly; repeat this breath twice more, and you’re finished! Again, start at one minute for each posture, if you like, and build up to three minutes. Remember it's not time but love that heals all wounds. This meditation will heal even where you don’t yet know healing needs to be done. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |