This practice helps to raise the energy moving it from the lower first chakra upwards to the higher chakras. It helps to activate and move the kundalini energy that lies at the base of the spine. This energy is said to be dormant and inactive leading to imbalance in the body and higher mind. |
This will keep your spine strong so you have the backbone and energy to accomplish what you want. This will release tension and send energy up your spine. Every vertebra will awaken. This can help you feel calmer and more powerful, ready to take on anything. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
This opens your heart centre, improves circulation, and purifies the blood that makes milk. As you practice this pose feel confident that you have all you need to produce complete nourishment for your child. Plan on being rather dreamy for the first year of your child’s life, if only because the energy to produce milk is so internal and miraculous. Live life slowly and as simply as possible for your new family, giving your child the security they need. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
• Sit in Easy Pose, eyes closed, and extend your arms out to your sides, parallel to the ground. • Close your hands, bringing the fingertips only to the base of your fingers, thumbs up. • Keep your spine straight and your chin slightly tucked. • Inhale and begin rotating your hands around your wrists, thumbs revolving full circle, up and back to down and forward. • Maintain a tight grip on your fingers and continue for 7-8 minutes with powerful breathing. Start at 3 minutes if you like. The power of fearlessness will come to you! With each rotation raising your pelvic floor a little higher for 3 rotations, then down incrementally and then two cycles pouting your perineum towards the floor and 5 cycles up, 5 cycles down Kegel exercises can help you start to own the space in your body from which you will birth: During urination stop and start the flow of urine four to eight times, isolating the muscles of the birth canal from those of the abdominals and the rectum. This meditation will help you break through fear when it threatens to overwhelm you. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
• Sit in Easy Pose, with your eyes closed and rolled upward, and extend your arms out to the side, parallel to the ground. • Close your hands, bringing the fingertips only to the base of your palm, thumbs up. • Keep your spine straight and your chin slightly tucked. • Inhale and bring your thumbs to your shoulders, returning your hands to the original position with an exhale. • Go as fast as you can and don’t let your thumbs touch your shoulders. • Continue with powerful breathing for 2 minutes to stimulate your pituitary gland. Work up to seven minutes. |
BUTTERFLY - 1-3min
• Put your feet parallel to each other, hip-width apart, hands in a prayer position in the centre of your chest, and your eyes slightly closed but opened enough for good balance. • If your heels come off the floor when you come down, double up a blanket and place it beneath your heels. • At the bottom of the squat, make sure you tip forward, placing your hands on the floor and pushing your buttocks up, then slowly rolling your body up, raising your head last. • Sweep your arms up over your head, pressing the palms together in a prayer and lowering your hands to your heart. • Begin again, taking your buttocks each time as low to the earth as they will comfortably go while your entire feet remain on the floor. • Always use your hands to push up; don’t just come up with your legs because that puts too much pressure on your uterus. • Inhale “Sat” as you raise your arms up above your head, and exhale “Nam” as you bring your hands to the floor. Squat 15 times. Make sure you do them correctly by squatting with the entire foot on the floor. Yoga is how we build our stamina for labor. Go through the discomfort to the other side. Become sensitive inside yourself to know the difference between stretching & strengthening, and straining. Then keep going. Don’t run from it, breathe into it. Then when you get to your labour you don’t have to run away because you don’t know what to do. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
• Brace yourself against a wall with your arms out and your palms flat on the wall. • Lift your weight up onto the ball of your foot, squeezing the muscles of your ankles, your calves and knees, thighs and buttocks. • Release and lower your weight to the floor slowly so the entire foot is on the floor. Do this 26 times, building up to fifty-four if you can. As the circulation increases your legs will burn, guaranteed! To create new circulation in your home, begin by infusing your own body with more energy and circulation: Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
Become a tree and experience standing tall, majestic, and solid! • Come standing with your weight evenly distributed along your feet, and your spine straight as if you are being pulled toward the ceiling on an invisible string. You can start out next to a wall for balance. • Bring your hands in prayer pose to the center of your chest, then lift one foot up and place it on your opposite ankles, knee, or inner thigh, depending on your balance. • Softly lower your eyes and focus out and down about five feet in front of you. As your balance steadies, lift your arms out and straight up to the sky, arms parallel and palms facing inward. • Do this for two minutes on each side as you breathe long and deep. Inhale and exhale from your belly, your baby’s home. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful (p. 81). St. Martin's Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. |
• Sit in Easy Pose and raise your arms parallel to the floor with palms facing down. • Split the fingers of each hand so that the index and middle fingers are together and the ring and pinkie fingers are together, thumbs relaxed. • Close your eyes and breathe for 7 minutes. • To finish, inhale deeply as you stretch your arms and tighten your whole body. Exhale and repeat this sequence twice more. This meditation is very powerful. It will help in letting go of fear and resentments, all the mental blocks that hinder the baby’s arrival, by trusting and letting go. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
LEAVING THE FEAR AND WELCOMING THE CHALLENGE (2-7min) • Extend your arms straight out to your sides with your palms facing out as if you’re a traffic police officer holding back cars at an intersection. • Inhale as you raise your arms up over your head, creating an arc; your palms cross over and slightly in front of your head, but do not touch. • Exhale your arms down. As you exhale, lower your arms to their original position. On the next inhale raise your arms again but cross the palms over and slightly behind that top of your head. Continue this for 2 minutes, work up to 7 minutes. This will clear the worry out of your chest, heart, and lungs, and replace it with love and optimism. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
This powerful meditation helps to bring healing and peace to our planet, and is meant to be done for forty days. • Sit tall with a straight spine, pulling your chin slightly in, chest out, shoulders relaxed. • Place the hands in Prayer Pose at the center of your chest, pressing your palms firmly together. • Roll your eyes up to your Third Eye point and imagine you are sitting atop a tall mountain overlooking all of humanity, and sending waves of peace over the entire globe. • The mantra, “Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung,” is a very powerful sound current and has immediate effects to bring healing to yourself and others. The sounds translate as: Ra = Sun Ma = Moon Da = Earth Sa = Infinity Say = Totality of experience So Hung = I am Thou • Chant out loud for 12 minutes, chant in a whisper for 5 minutes, and be silent for 1 minute. End by inhaling deeply, and as you exhale sit for a little bit and give this prayer to those who need it. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |