This practice helps to raise the energy from the lower to the higher, moving from the first chakra upwards. It helps to activate and move the kundalini energy that lies at the base of the spine. This energy is said to be dormant and inactive leading to imbalance in the body and mind. |
• Sit in Easy Pose and raise your arms parallel to the floor with palms facing down. • Split the fingers of each hand so that the index and middle fingers are together and the ring and pinkie fingers are together, thumbs relaxed. • Close your eyes and breathe for seven minutes. • To finish, inhale deeply as you stretch your arms and tighten your whole body. Exhale and repeat this sequence twice more. This meditation is very powerful. It will help in letting go of fear and resentments, all the mental blocks that hinder the baby’s arrival, by trusting and letting go. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
Breath: Sit in Easy Pose. Close your right nostril with your right thumb, your other fingers are stretched straight up as antennas. Your left hand is in Gyan Mudra (illustration) on your left knee. Close your eyes and concentration at your 3rd Eye. Begin to breathe long and deep only through your left nostril. Continue for three minutes. This breathing activates the Ida Nerve Ending in the left nostril, which relates to calmness and relaxation. Left nostril breathing is associated with the moon energy, which is changeable, feminine, yin, giving, and cool. Breathing through the left nostril can calm you and lower your blood pressure. Our body is a finely tuned machine operating on positive and negative electrical currents. In the ancient science of Kundalini Yoga, we are taught that there are two energies called Ida and Pingala that intertwine up the sides of the spine and that unite to form the Sushmana, the central channel. The Ida energy, on the left, is the moon energy: reflective, calming, cooling, female. The right is Pingala and has the energy of the sun: bright, fiery, awakening and male. We compare these systems in our Western terminology as the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic system, Pingala, is the fight or flight system and charges you up in times of danger. The parasympathetic system, Ida, slows you down and helps your body automatically run its day to day jobs of digestion, elimination, sleep cycles and more. When you need to calm down, when your mind is racing faster than a hurricane, or when you can’t go to sleep, try left nostril (Ida) breathing. Simply take your right hand and, with your fingers outstretched, block off your right nostril by putting gentle pressure on it with your right thumb. Be sure to keep the rest of your fingers straight and pointing up towards the sky; the fingers act like antennas for the “cosmic” energy that surrounds us all. (Alternately, if sticking your fingers up in front of all your friends might not be the most appropriate thing to do, use any finger to block off the side of the nose) |
This will keep your spine strong so you have the backbone and energy to accomplish what you want. This will release tension and send energy up your spine. Every vertebra will awaken. This can help you feel calmer and more powerful, ready to take on anything. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
Kegel exercises can help you start to own the space in your body from which you will birth: During urination stop and start the flow of urine four to eight times, isolating the muscles of the birth canal from those of the abdominals and the rectum. This meditation will help you break through fear when it threatens to overwhelm you: • Sit in Easy Pose, eyes closed, and extend your arms out to your sides, parallel to the ground. • Close your hands, bringing the fingertips only to the base of your palm, thumbs up. • Keep your spine straight and your chin slightly tucked. • Inhale and begin rotating your hands around your wrists, thumbs revolving full circle, up and back to down and back. • Maintain a tight grip on your fingers and continue for seven to eight minutes with powerful breathing. Start at three minutes if you like. The power of fearlessness will come to you! Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
LEAVING THE FEAR AND WELCOMING THE CHALLENGE (2-7min) • Extend your arms straight out to your sides with your palms facing out as if you’re a traffic police officer holding back cars at an intersection. • Inhale as you raise your arms up over your head, creating an arc; your palms cross over and slightly in front of your head, but do not touch. • Exhale your arms down. As you exhale, lower your arms to their original position. On the next inhale raise your arms again but cross the palms over and slightly behind that top of your head. Continue this for two minutes, work up to seven minutes. This will clear the worry out of your chest, heart, and lungs, and replace it with love and optimism. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
• Sit in Easy Pose, with your eyes closed and rolled upward, and extend your arms out to the side, parallel to the ground. • Close your hands, bringing the fingertips only to the base of your palm, thumbs up. • Keep your spine straight and your chin slightly tucked. • Inhale and bring your thumbs to your shoulders, returning your hands to the original position with an exhale. • Go as fast as you can and don’t let your thumbs touch your shoulders. • Continue with powerful breathing for two minutes to stimulate your pituitary gland. Work up to seven minutes. |
• Sit quietly in Easy Pose. • Extend your arms out to your sides like great wings, palms flat and facing the floor. • Begin flapping just your wrists and hands rapidly, as though you were flying furiously through the air. Your arms will move slightly from the shoulders, but the action is in the wrists. • Breathe in long, deep inhales and exhales and continue for three minutes. As yoginis we learn to create a neutral mind. Every negative thought is met with a positive thought. Standing by a fireplace you might think, “The flames could burn me,” then in the next breath, “Look at how beautiful the fire is and the warmth it offers.” While labouring a voice might say, “I can’t do this, it’s too hard,” then you must follow with, “Yes, I can. Yes, I am stronger than I have ever been in my whole life.” That is the see-saw of the positive and negative mind. It is the nature of the mind to have a thousand thoughts pass by in the blink of an eye. Our minds, like tuning a radio, pick up the strongest frequencies of where we are at the time. Meditation takes us back to the neutral mind, the balance point on that see-saw, which is the mind we will birth from, and the mind we must operate from as mothers. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
• In Easy Pose, stretch your arms up above your ears with the palms facing each other stretching to the sky. The fingers are side by side but the thumbs are separate. Keep your arms and palms stiff as steel, reaching high the entire time. • Begin to move the arms back and forth like you are fanning your head, 15-20cm out, and then back in. Your eyes are closed and rolled upward. Move powerfully for at least three minutes, working up to seven minutes. This exercise energises by building your electromagnetic field, and improves the balance in the hemispheres of your brain so that your whole body can adjust itself: Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |
This opens your heart centre, improves circulation, and purifies the blood that makes milk. As you practice this pose feel confident that you have all you need to produce complete nourishment for your child. Plan on being rather dreamy for the first year of your child’s life, if only because the energy to produce milk is so internal and miraculous. Live life slowly and as simply as possible for your new family, giving your child the security they need. Khalsa, Gurmukh Kaur. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful |